You might have noticed on my Doula page that I am a Full Spectrum Integrative Doula. What does this mean? As an Integrative Full Spectrum Doula, I provided family focused support in all aspects of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.

You might have noticed on my Doula page that I am a Full Spectrum Integrative Doula. What does this mean? As an Integrative Full Spectrum Doula, I provided family focused support in all aspects of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. "Integrative" is a word used in many holistic and more natural minded health care services that focus on everything that has an influence on a specific area. In the case of doula support, "Integrative" support focuses on your entire body, as well as the developing baby inside you. This includes your nutrition, your sleep quality, your stress and how you are able to manage it, and environmental toxins as all of these things play a role in your health, as well as in the development of the growing baby inside you. All information I share is scientifically evidence-based information.
I will be writing separate blogs focusing on each individual service that I provide. This post will focus specifically on my Full Pregnancy and Labor/Birth Doula Support Package.
I truly offers one-of-a-kind doula support. I go above and beyond your needs. From the moment you decide to have me as your doula, I am a text or phone call away and on-call for support through 6 weeks postpartum. I also use my nutrition expertise to help guide you through optimal pregnancy and postpartum healing.
Full Pregnancy and Labor Doula Package includes:
1. Two prenatal sessions, where I come to your home and we go over your past birth experiences, your expectations for this pregnancy and birth, create a birth preference sheet, go over comfort measures, and review evidence based practices in the birthing room.
2. Assistance in creating a birth preferences sheet to share with your healthcare provider. In creating this document, we are able to review and learn about the different interventions and practices commonly used during and leading up to labor and birth.
3. On-call doula availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, starts at the time of signing and continuing until birth, available for emotional and informational support, and the onset of labor.
4. Labor and Birth support at hospital or birth center, as well as at home before going to birth place, if needed. If you need my support during labor, before heading into your baby’s birth place, just let me know and I am there. I can also help you decide when it is time to start heading in to the hospital or birth center.
5. Full labor and doula support from the time you have me come join you until about 1-2 hours after the baby is born. I do not charge additional fees after a certain amount of hours of being with you.
6. Support with initial breast or chest feeding session after birth.
7. One postpartum home visit, lasting one hour for processing labor experience, breast/chest feeding support, emotional and informational support.
8. Unlimited text, phone and email contact from the start of commitment through 6 weeks postpartum.
9. You get a Rebozo! I will go over specific rebozo techniques you can use during pregnancy, labor and beyond. And to learn more about rebozos, check out the Evidence Based Birth blog post on the subject.
10. I also give you a deck of Birth Affirmation cards that you can hang up around your home and have with you during labor and birth.
11. Access to my online program “The Fourth Trimester: Postpartum Healing Through Nutrition”, which is a 6 week long program that you can ideally complete while pregnant so you can prepare for your postpartum ahead of time.
12. Individualized Nutrition support and guidance during pregnancy and postpartum, as needed.
13. Package and discount options for the other birth and nutrition services that Mindful Family Wellness provides.
14. I have a rule of taking no more than 4 birth clients per month. This way, I don’t have to depend on my amazing back-up doula. Most of the time, you don’t know which doctor or midwife from your OB/Gyn practice will be at your birth. At least you know you will have your doula there. Due to this limit, my schedule can fill up, so contact me as soon as you can to schedule your consultation.
15. The best part of my doula services – EVERYTHING is customizable according to what you need and want for your ideal experience.
Set up a complementary consultation to have an opportunity to ask me questions, and learn how I can support you through pregnancy, labor and birth and to create your customized support plan.